Broadcom - Interskill Learning Mainframe Training

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3.1 (z/OS) - z/OS Systems Programming Basics 2.5


4 hours


This course provides the systems programmer with a more in-depth view of the z/OS system and covers concepts such as virtual storage, and the system data sets and parameters that are used to initialize and configure the z/OS system.


Systems Programmers or other technical specialists requiring a more in-depth knowledge of the z/OS system.


Successful completion of the 3.1 (z/OS) - Working with the Mainframe course, or equivalent knowledge.


    After completing this course, the student will be able to:
  • Describe how virtual storage works
  • List the major system data sets and their purpose
  • Identify where system parameter lists are stored and how they are invoked

Course Content

Virtual Storage and Address Space Concepts

Virtual Storage Concepts
Address Space

Working with System Data Sets

System Data Sets
Load Libraries
Page Data Sets
Spool Data Sets

Working with System Parameter Lists

System Parameter Lists
LOAD Parameter
The LOADxx Member
System Parameter List Selection

3.1 (z/OS) - z/OS Systems Programming Basics 2.5 Mastery Test

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