REXX - Host Commands and System REXX
4 hours
This course examines the versatility and power of REXX across various mainframe environments and provides real-life use cases along the way. In particular, it explores REXX's role in streamlining tasks, automating operations, and extending functionality within z/OS, z/VM, and z/OS UNIX systems.
Personnel responsible for writing or maintaining REXX programs in a range of mainframe environments and z/OS products.
Knowledge of traditional REXX programming covered earlier in this curriculum.
After completing this course the student should be able to:
- Create Simple REXX Code That Will Run in a z/OS UNIX or z/VM Environment
- Explain How REXX Can be Used in ISPF Panels, SDSF, RACF, and Db2 for z/OS
- Identify the Uses and Benefits of System REXX
Course Content
Using REXX in z/OS UNIX and z/VM
Who Uses REXX in z/OS UNIX?
REXX Examples
REXX Interaction with z/OS UNIX
SYSCALL Environment and Commands
SYSCALL Examples
Running Shell Commands Using REXX
REXX on z/VM Uses
ADDRESS CMS Instruction
Writing a REXX Program Using XEDIT
REXX on z/VM Examples
Using REXX in Other z/OS Environments
Benefits of Using REXX with ISPF Panels
ISPF Dialog Components
Using REXX to Drive an ISPF Dialog
REXX and ISPF Edit Macros
Panel REXX
REXX and SDSF Scenarios
Coding Requirements for Running REXX on SDSF
Interacting with SDSF Using ISFEXEC and ISFACT
Reading the SYSLOG Using REXX
Entering RACF Commands Using REXX
Using IRRXUTIL for Extracting RACF Data
Connecting REXX to Db2
Entering Db2 SQL Statements Using REXX
System REXX
System REXX Differences
Starting the System REXX Environment
System REXX Functions
Console Interface
System REXX for IBM Health Checker
System REXX for z/OSMF