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SDSF – Using SDSF to Display and Control Job Output 3.1


3 hours


The SDSF – Using SDSF to Display and Control Job Output course describes how held and non-held output is displayed, and provides information on the commands that can be used to modify output attributes or delete the output altogether.


Any staff that use SDSF to display or modify held and non-held output.


Completion of the following courses: SDSF – Introduction and Basic Concepts, SDSF – Working with SDSF Data or equivalent knowledge.


After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Display and Interpret Output queue data
  • Update output attributes
  • Control output processing

Course Content

Managing Job Workflow

Displaying Held and Non-Held Output Activity
Identifying Output Characteristics
Using the Status Panel to Display Output
Displaying Output Groups
Selecting Output for Viewing

Modifying Output Attributes

Modifying Output Priority
Updating Class and Form Attributes
Changing the Output Print Destination
Holding and Releasing Output
Cancelling and Purging Output
Capturing and Printing Output

SDSF – Using SDSF to Display and Control Job Output 3.1 Mastery Test

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