JES2 – Managing Batch Processing in a JES2 Environment 3.1
4 hours
This course builds from previous training, describing commonly used JES2 commands used to manage and schedule batch job activity. It also introduces JES2 networking capabilities, describing how batch jobs can be scheduled for processing on other mainframe sites within the organization.
Operators and systems programmers requiring knowledge about the use of JES2 to run batch jobs.
Successful completion of the JES2 – Monitoring Jobs, Initiators, and Printers Using JES2 Commands 3.1 course, or equivalent knowledge.
- After completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Enter JES2 Commands to Hold, Release, Restart, Modify, Cancel, and Purge jobs
- Display the attributes of NJE networks and their components
- Manage batch jobs Using JES2 job scheduling facilities
Course Content
JES2 Commands to Control Batch Jobs
Releasing a Held Job and Job Group
Removing a Job from the JES2 Queues
Restarting a Job
Holding a Job
Modifying JES2 Job-Related Attributes
NJE Connectivity
NJE Network Configuration
Identifying Network Nodes
Routing Jobs and Output Through the NJE Network
Managing NJE Network Connectivity
Using JES2 in Scheduling Batch Jobs
Displaying JES2 Job Activity
Managing JES2 Classes and Initiators
Manipulating and Printing Job Output
Basic JES2 Scheduling Capabilities
Displaying Job Group Attributes
Releasing and Monitoring Job Group Activity
Managing Job Group Output
Deadline Scheduling