z/OS – Advanced z/OS Monitoring Facilities 2.5
4 hours
This course provides an overview of system monitoring tools and facilities such as RMF, z/OSMF, traces and EREPS as well as a description on how SMF data is created and managed. This course also discusses the need for message suppression and describes how this is achieved.
Senior computer operators and technical support personnel that need to monitor z/OS system activity.
Successful completion of the z/OS – Displaying z/OS System Activity 2.5 course, or equivalent knowledge.
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify z/OS facilities used to gather information on system activity
- Describe how SMF gathers z/OS system data
- Suppress specific z/OS system messages
Course Content
Using Advanced Monitoring Facilities
Monitoring System Resource Use
RMF Data
z/OSMF Monitoring Capabilities
Trace Facilities
Error Recording
Working with SMF
Recording SMF Data Using a Log Stream or Data Sets
Displaying SMF Data Set Status
Switching SMF Data Sets
MPF and Message Suppression
Message Suppression
Message Flow
MPF List Entries
Operator Commands used to Display and Modify MPF Lists
z/OS Message Flood Automation