z/OSMF – Configuring and Administering z/OSMF z/OS 3.1
3 hours
This course outlines how z/OS tasks such as the configuration of workload management, and network configuration can be performed using z/OSMF. It also explains how performance monitoring, and management of processor capacity tasks, can be performed within z/OSMF.
This course is aimed at System Administrators whose responsibility is to manage the z/OS system.
Completion of the Interskill z/OSMF – Introduction and Basics course and general knowledge of system administration tasks performed within the data center.
After completing this course the student will be able to:
- Describe the Workload Management Tasks That Can be Performed Using z/OSMF
- Display, Create, and Implement a TCP/IP Configuration Using z/OSMF
- Display Details of Your Organization’s Capacity Provisioning Policies
- Display z/OSMF Dashboards Used for Monitoring System Resources
Course Content
Configuration with z/OS Management Facility
Accessing Workload Manager (WLM) through z/OSMF
Displaying the status of WLM
Viewing and updating WLM service definitions
Managing service policies
z/OSMF Network Configuration Assistant
Defining network configuration data
Using perspectives
Displaying and modifying perspective attributes
Installing and activating the configuration
Administration with z/OS Management Facility
z/OSMF capacity provisioning tasks
Accessing the capacity provisioning manager
Capacity provisioning reports
Connecting to a provisioning manager
Creating and managing a domain configuration
Capacity provisioning policies
Viewing z/OS performance metrics using z/OSMF resource monitoring
Resource monitoring dashboards
Modifying dashboard metrics and settings
Creating and deleting dashboards
Displaying system status